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外贸业务谈判进程:Counter Offer 还盘(1)

发布日期:2008-09-06  浏览次数:14放大 缩小
P: I have here our price sheet on FOB basis. The prices are given without engagement.
L: Good, if you'll excuse me, I'll go over the sheet right now.

P: Take your time.
L: I can tell you at a glance that your prices are much too high.

P: I'm surprised to hear you say so. You know that the cost of production has risen a great deal in recent years.
L: We only ask that your prices be comparable to others. That's reasonable, isn't it?

P: Well, in order to get the business, we're quite willing to make some concessions. Would you give me an idea how much you wish to order from us, so that we may adjust our prices accordingly?
L: The size of our order depends greatly on the prices. Let's settle that matter first.

P: As you wish. Well, if your order is large enough, we are ready to reduce our prices by 2 per cent.
L: When I say your prices are much too high, I don't mean they are higher merely by 2 or 3 per cent.

P: Then how much do you mean? Can you give me a rough idea?
L: For the business to be concluded, I should think a reduction of about 10 percent would help.

P: Impossible. How can you except us to make a reduction to that extent.
L: I think you are as well informed as I am about the market for chemical fertilizers. It's needless for me to point out that supply exceeds demand at present and that this situation is apt to continue for a long time yet. May I suggest that you cable your home office and see what they'll have to say?

P: Very well, I shall do so.
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